TV Stars RP Wiki
Black D
Season TV Stars Broadway
Founder Pornvati Swallow
Members Pornvati Swallow, Tina Belcher, Cassandra, Pokemon Trainer
Week Formed 1
Enemies Krew Alliance
Lowest Placing Member Pornvati Swallow
Highest Placing Member Pokemon Trainer

The Formation

PornvatiSwallow, with an objective as the Paparazzi, formed the alliance to get dirty secrets on her peers and to get farther in the game. It was a facade used to score as the Paparazzi and feed information to everyone else, but it was also used as a normal alliance that managed to dominate the game. Pornvati sucked in Tina, PokemonTrainer, and Cassandra to hear what they had to say, and used Catbug as an outside source to vote out several people.

The Domination and The Fall of the Paparazzi

The alliance worked together to vote out the entirety of the Krew Alliance. Once down to Bolin, Pornvati placed the blame of the Paparazzi on him, and continued to slip through the cracks. After his elimination, however, things started to crumble.

Pornvati was making too many leaks about her Paparazzi claims, and tried too hard to get information from people. She even resorted to asking AttentionWhore personal questions -- which in the end, cost her the game. After her elimination, the game began to decline.


Tina, PokemonTrainer, and Cassandra continued to work together to vote out Gideon. However, in the next elimination, PokemonTrainer flipped and worked with Catbug and AttentionWhore for that one round to eliminate Cassandra, which officially caused the alliance to fall flat.

The remaining two members jumped ship, only to later reunite and join an alliance with Catbug in the BlindsideAshleeAntagonistAlliance.
